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The Green Private Equity Firm for Socially Responsible Investors


Thank you for visiting our web site.  Viva System Capital is a pioneer in bringing socially responsible disciplined and professional IT & Green private equity investment practices to emerging markets worldwide.


Started investment process in a 0.5 MW Greenhouse solar project in South of Italy PDF

Due to the favorable condiditions in Italy, we have started the investment process in a 4 MW Greenhouse solar project in Campania, south Italy, an underdeveloped area in the EU. This is the start of several more investments in solar parks in the Southern Italian region.

Targeted date of construction start is the 1st of December, 2014
Targeted date of putting it into operation is the 1st of April, 2015

Viva System Capital, LLC PDF

Viva System Capital is an innovative socially responsible private investment firm that seeks to maximize the value of its acquisitions in the cleantech & IT sector.

Viva System Capital as a boutique and specialized private equity firm relies on its team of experienced industry professionals to invest in alternative energy projects with a focus in hydro energy, solar energy projects as well as Green IT and highly innovative IT projects. Contrary to other private equity firms, it has deep subject matter expertise and keeps a very hands on approach and manages its investments very closely from the start to the exit. In addition to that it improves companies with high growth potential in the following areas: alternative energy, pollution reduction, energy efficiency, IT and Green IT. Viva System Capital strongly believes that companies with a combination of superior management and a focus on sustainability will achieve high financial returns for their shareholders and stakeholders. Viva System Capital's mission is to be a driving force in the movement towards a more sustainable and socially responsible economy. As a result all its investments have a triple-bottom line approach: The creation of positive financial, social, and environmental benefits.

  • Sustainability
  • Ecologically harmonic
  • Positive financial benefits

We invite you to learn more about Viva System Capital, its people, its investments and 
investment process.  Whether you are a potential investor in our fund or a representative
of a company seeking private investment, we welcome your interest and hope you share
our view on Viva System Capital expertise in IT & green private equity as both a socially responsible investor and a Local Partner.

Hydroelectric energy, the underloved energy provider

Hydroelectric renewable energy has not gotten a lot of attention and in the US it has received only a fund of 32 million US$ compared to the hundreds of millions in Wind and above one hundred million in Solar energy. Which we can't understand since this is a form of renewable energy which accounts for approximately one sixth of world electrical generation, and unlike wind and solar has a natural form of storage which costs a fraction of any other form of electricity storage, and has black start capability.